Plansoen Scholar Updates: Nicole Choma

As our Plansoen Scholars begin the new year, four scholars will be graduating in May.  This past year they have helped during the rummage sale, attended Wednesday night dinners, assisted in and attended morning worship.  As you read their update along with their plans for the future, you will see that they are doing well and grateful for our prayers, support, and assistance.  When you see them in the coming months, greet and thank them for their presence among us.

Rev. Dr. Don Dempsey
Plansoen Scholarship Director

An Update from Plansoen Scholar Nicole Choma:


Dear Friends and Families of First Presbyterian Church, 

I hope that you all have had an amazing start to your year, and that you all have had a wonderful holiday season. More importantly, I hope that God is watching over all of you during these difficult times and keeping you, and your loved ones safe and healthy. 

As mentioned in the Plansoen Family Scholarship announcement, my mom and I are the only ones in our family living in the United States and so Covid has made it difficult being apart from family. Fortunately, we were both able to visit my grandparents and immediate family in Poland this past summer. It was a very happy time as the last time we visited, 3 years ago, my grandma was undergoing chemotherapy for ovarian cancer. Today, she is cancer free. I feel very blessed knowing that we are all currently healthy. 

During this time, I have begun a new internship as a Digital Editorial Intern at EDITION by Modern Luxury. I absolutely love this position as I have been able to write articles, and conduct research and interviews. I am finding my passion through writing, and having it come to life has been truly rewarding. I am so excited with how much I have already accomplished because of this internship and cannot wait to see how the next few months will be. Feel free to check out my work whenever you get the chance. 

Academically, I am taking three courses, with my internship counting as a fourth course. Currently, we are all still on Zoom, but in the upcoming week, we are scheduled to move back into the classroom. I completed my business major last semester and am taking my remaining classes for my communication major and digital media and design minor. It is so surreal knowing that this journey is almost over.  

I am also applying for jobs at this time and taking every opportunity to network with those related in the business (marketing), communication, and digital media field. I have gotten the chance to talk with a lot of alumni as well, which has been very rewarding. I ask for your prayers in securing a job for myself after graduation, as that would ease my uncertainty during this time. I hope to work in my related field for a year, and then go back and pursue my master’s. One of the programs that I am looking at is Northwestern’s Master’s in integrated Marketing and Communication. 

In closing, I thank you all at FPC for being so kind and welcoming. Enjo and I, along with Carolynn, Izzi (Isadora) have been able to meet so many kind faces at the Wednesday night dinners. Enjo, Izzi, and I had the opportunity of volunteering for the rummage sale this past fall. This scholarship has meant so much to me and I am so happy to be a part of such an amazing group of scholars.  


Peace & Love, 

Nicole Choma 

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