The Associate Pastor Nominating Committee presents Jim Cochrane as candidate for Associate Pastor


A Message from Jim:

“It is an immense joy that I am being considered for the role of Associate Pastor for Youth and Young Adults here at First Pres.
Over the past two years I have gotten to know the hopes and dreams of this congregation and its young people, been given opportunities to share my faith and lived experiences in worship and in Youth Group, and been surrounded with love as my wife Becca and I welcomed new life into the world, so I can think of no better congregation than First Pres to serve as my first ordained call.

My faith journey that has brought me here has been long and winding, but one constant throughout has been the love, support, and community built within congregations, and I am excited by the opportunity to have a part in the family of First Pres. Central to my faith is a belief that we as a church are called to engage with our communities and live out the lessons of our faith, and I am excited to learn together how God is calling this church to live out that call!”


Associate Pastor Nominating Committee:
Jim Mayhall, moderator
Liz Gescheidle
Jim Kingsley
Maggie Roeck
Bridget Seymour
Sarah Specketer
David Strong
Dewey Winebrenner
Brian Zeeman

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