Rummage Celebrates 70 years of the Ministry!

Rummage Celebrates 70 years of the Ministry!

May 2, 2020 marks the 70th anniversary of the First Pres Spring Rummage Sale. Since it’s inception in 1950, the sale has raised over $6.5 million dollars for our mission partners. Annually, the sale raises 30% of the overall mission budget for First Pres, and people from all over come to volunteer and purchase items.

In 1950, rummage sales were very common. In 2020, rummage sales have become exceedingly rare. Rummage is a ministry that requires many hands, much organization, and continued coordination. Each year, we build on what our amazing predecessors have done and figure out how to better serve our clients and mission partners.

We are so proud to be a part of this unique and important Rummage Ministry at First Pres, and we hope you will help us celebrate the anniversary of this great event in the upcoming months. We encourage the entire congregation to participate in Rummage by donating items, sorting, volunteering during the sale or inviting others outside our congregation.

As part of our celebration of the 70th year, we are looking for photos or press clippings from years past, especially the early years of the sale. If you have any photos or press clippings, please share with Martha Zeeman at

We are also looking for new volunteers to help us in two particular areas. We are in need of a volunteer coordinator. This role consists primarily of data entry and can be done at off hours from your home. We are also in need of a clean up coordinator. This is a well established role that just needs a new coordinator to arrange the schedule and logistics for the end of the sale. If you’re interested in learning more about either of these roles, please contact Martha Zeeman at

We look forward to a GIGANTIC sale on May 2, 2020!

Heather Strong and Martha Zeeman
Co-Chairs of First Presbyterian Rummage Sale

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