Devotion: December 9, 2022 | “A Righteous Man…”

“A Righteous Man…”

Each December we retell the Christmas Story with childlike wonder and delight in the angels and shepherds, the ox and the ass, the mother and child, the Magi and the Star.  But do we fully appreciate the suffering of Joseph in learning his espoused wife has become pregnant?  This constituted his “dying moment:” the shattering of all his hopes for happiness in having a family with Mary.

How does Joseph respond to this crisis in his life?  Under the laws of his people, Joseph could have publicly exposed her sin, which would have ruined her life and opened Mary to further punishment.  But we are told that Joseph, “being a righteous man, and unwilling to expose her to public disgrace, resolved to dismiss her quietly” (Matthew 1:19).

We usually think of righteousness in terms of being “right.”  Joseph certainly would have been well within his rights to hold Mary accountable to the full extent of the Law.  But Joseph’s practice of righteousness is revealed by his compassion: he resolves to be merciful toward Mary, whom he loves but believes has betrayed him.

What does this say about God’s righteousness?  We usually think about this in terms of all the “Thou shalt nots” of the Ten Commandments.  Yet the prophet Hosea speaks for God, saying,    “I desire mercy, and not sacrifice” (Hos. 6:6).  And when faced with the betrayal of his own people, God says, “How can I give you up, Ephraim?  How can I hand you over, O Israel?” (Hos. 11:8).  In the Gospel of Matthew, we hear Joseph asking himself the same thing.  In this part of the Christmas Story, we learn that righteousness isn’t just about being right.  It’s about showing compassion, extending mercy, and offering grace—even to those who don’t deserve it.

Which is what God does for each one of us.

In a dream, an angel reveals the true reason for Mary’s compromised condition.  And when he awakes, Joseph takes Mary into his home.  He names the child Jesus, thus making God’s Son his own son, too.  And so, through this extraordinarily humble, courageous and faithful man, we begin to see how God’s righteousness really works. It’s all about grace and mercy–poured out with steadfast, unconditional love.

And we won’t find a better Christmas gift than that.

-Pastor Clint

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