Volunteer Opportunities


Serve with our Mission Partners

Beacon Place: After school programming for children in Waukegan.

  • Adult and high school volunteers, and paid summer interns needed. Email volunteer@beacon-place.org for more information!

Boys & Girls Club of Lake County: After school programming for children in Lake County.

  • Looking for after school program volunteers to assist their staff during youth Club activities. www.bgclc.org/volunteer

ElderCARE: Free services for older adults, including medical transportation, visits and grocery shopping.

  • Drive an older adult. On your schedule, as little as three hours a month. Call ElderCARE at 847-406-4683.

Lake County Haven: Dedicated to the needs of homeless women and children.

  • Volunteers needed to provide meals or groceries to the residents of their Libertyville shelters. Sign up on their website or contact with questions at volunteer@lakecountyhaven.org. 

Reading Power: One-to-one school day tutoring for prekindergarten through second grade children.

PADS:The PADS ministry season begins in October, with service dates on the 2nd and 5th Wednesday of  each month through April. PADS (Providing Advocacy, Dignity and Shelter), it is one of First Presbyterian’s most significant Lake County Ministries. We provide and serve dinner and breakfast, and prepare bag lunches at an overnight shelter at North Point Church in Waukegan that serves approximately 35 homeless men. We are always seeking volunteers who would like to provide food and/or volunteer their time serving food and being present at the shelter. Interested? Email missionoutreach@firstchurchlf.org.


Connect with Your Church Community

Be an Usher Join the usher ministry! If you are eager to meet and welcome new people, please consider serving as an usher for one of our Sunday morning services. No experience necessary! Sign up to be an usher


Children's Sunday School for Pre K – Kindergartners OR 1st – 4th graders. We are seeking teachers and assistants to teach once a month or even once a semester on Sunday mornings. Sign up to be a Sunday School Teacher


Youth Group Helpers are needed each Sunday evening the Middle School and Senior High Youth Groups meet. Sign up to be a Youth Group Helper


Be a Liturgist To sign up, please email info@firstchurchlf.org. After signing up, you will be contacted with instructions and other information. If you there are any changes in your schedule or for any other questions, please let us know.


Serve Communion Elders and deacons, both active and former, are encouraged to serve communion (ordinarily celebrated the first Sunday of each month). You can sign up here.


Reception Servers Serve at receptions at the church. Sign up to be on a volunteer list, and we will be in touch when receptions are booked and volunteers are needed!


Volunteer to help out at our annual Rummage Sale. Click here to learn more.


Become more engaged with the church community! Interested in learning about First Pres or becoming more engaged with the church community? Let us know by contacting Diane Quinn at engagement@firstchurchlf.org.