​5-8th Grade

Love God, Love Others.

We seek to be a place where 5-8th graders can form authentic relationships with one another, our church community, the world at large, and with God.

Our Middle School Youth Group provides an opportunity to build relationships with one another and provides a safe space to question and explore their faith, and prepare them for Confirmation, Senior High Youth Group, and beyond.

Register for Confirmation, and/or Youth Groups

What to Expect

This year we are excited to welcome our Middle Schoolers to worship each Sunday.

But why not have Sunday School for our Middle Schoolers?

As our middle schoolers prepare to enter into the full life of the church, they need experience being in worship with the full congregation: hearing sermons being shared, learning the hymns of our tradition, and understanding the importance of our sacraments. All of this happens during worship, and we are excited to invite them along!

If you are interested in working with our youth or children, please reach out to Anne Winebrenner

Worship Leadership

There are opportunities for 5-8th graders to help serve as worship leaders through readings, music, drama, and more! Contact Anne Winebrenner if you’re interested in getting involved.

5-8th Grade Youth Group

Sundays 5:00-6:00, September - May

Youth Group for 5-8th graders meets throughout the year for mission opportunities and fellowship. Our in-person Middle School Youth Group meets almost every Sunday from 5:00-6:00 as an opportunity to play games, build community, and learn more about each other in the group! These meetings help build the deep relationships that keep youth grounded in their faith and prepare them for high school and beyond. Friends are always invited as well!

In addition to our regular meetings, we'll have a couple of big events every season, whether it is a Christmas Party, a Lock-In, or a service project! To stay up-to-date, check in on this website, register for Faith Connections, and visit the bulletin boards at the church.

Youth Group Helpers

5th-8th Grade Youth Group Fall 2024 Calendar


Event Time
15 5th-8th Grade Youth Group Kick-Off! 5:00-6:00 at First Pres
22 5th-8th Grade Youth Group Meeting  5:00-6:00 at First Pres
28 Help with Rummage Clean Up  3:00 PM at First Pres
6 5th-8th Grade Youth Group Meeting 5:00-6:00 at Winebrenner Home
20 5th-8th Grade Youth Group Meeting 5:00-6:00 at First Pres
3 5th-8th Grade Youth Group Meeting 5:00-6:00 at First Pres
10 5th-8th Grade Youth Group Meeting 5:00-6:00 at First Pres
17 Friends-giving event Away
1 All-Church Advent Wreathmaking 5:00-7:00 at First Pres
8 5th-8th Grade Youth Group Meeting 5:00-6:00 at First Pres
15 Post Pageant Holiday Party 10:30 - 11:30 AM


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