Exploring our faith and helping families to raise children who love God and love others.
Register for Faith Formation
Teach Sunday School
Sunday Morning Faith Building
For children ages 3 years through 4th grade
September 8 through May 18
Children start the morning in worship with their families and leave for Faith Building in the upstairs classrooms following the Blessing of the Children for a time of Bible lessons and exploration. On Communion Sundays (the first Sunday of the month) we will be meeting in the Chapel. We will join our families in worship for Communion.
We ask that parents and caregivers pick up their children in their classrooms following worship.
We are excited to introduce a new curriculum this fall from Storymakers NYC.
- September until Advent, we will be using their "The Stars" 'zine to explore the book of Genesis, focusing on the stories of Abraham, Sarah, Isaac, Jacob, Esau, Rebekah, Rachel and more!
- During Advent we'll use their "Advent" zine to explore celebrations of children from around the world with the four Advent themes (hope, peace, joy and love).
- In January we'll use their "The Giant" zine to learn about the lives of Samuel, Hannah, King Saul, and David.
- Over Lent we'll dive into their "Lent" zine which features six parables of Jesus.
Professional, loving childcare is available every Sunday morning. The nursery, located on the 2nd floor, is open 30 minutes before worship begins and is for infants and toddlers up to 36 months old.
The nursery is a safe, nurturing and developmentally appropriate space for children to begin experiencing God’s love through the care of our church family.
Parents are invited to leave a mobile phone number with our caregivers so they can be notified if their children need them. Please note that we do not provide snacks.
Children's Choirs
We have two children's choirs for children ages 4 years through 6th grade. Choirs rehearse Wednesdays and sing in worship monthly during the program year.
Each summer, First Pres hosts a day camp for church and community families to come together and explore Bible stories through a variety of activities. This camp is run by Rachel Magnusson and parent volunteers. If you are able to volunteer, please contact Rachel at rmagnusson@firstchurchlf.org.

Faith-Building Fun
Our First Pres children and families enjoying learning about God and growing their faith together.